Fishing the Shad Jig
Chapter 1
Why I Like My Whites
Back in the days before soft baits were invented... Well,
maybe they had been invented but no one I knew had ever used any
yet. Instead most of us used "whites" - jigheads
dressed with the seductive come-hither breathing pulse of
lustrous hand-tied soft white bucktail and a pennant of homemade
bleached white pork rind to heighten the allure with salty taste,
fleshy texture and ripply wriggle.
When soft plastics did come onto the scene in a big way
(popularized by the Mister Twister Company), my confidence and
success has never wavered with white twister tail jigs. In my
lifetime I've landed more gamefish, including bass, on white jigs
with white pork or white twisters than all other lures and colors
combined. So it should come as no surprise when I say, "I
like my whites!"
Just within the past month, I've been landing a ton of
smallmouth fun almost exclusively on big white jigs.
Here are a few recent photos (see below). They may not seem
too big for your backyard - but a 2 to 3 pound smallie (or 4 or 5
of them) plus countless 1-3 lb bronzebacks are a daily occurrence
for me here on Lake Powell whenever I can find and fish the shad.
Some people, myself included, say Powell is the most scenic bass
fishery in the world. And it has 1,800 miles of shoreline. You
can fish a few new miles every day - and every inch is filled
with feisty smallmouth!
As you may deduce from the white jigs in some of the photos -
following shad is the key. It's not always easy to find shad, but
when you do, the presence of shad overrules all other conditions
- time of day, temperature, location, cover, structure - all take
a backseat to shad. Unless there is something like a cloudy green
bloom or a wind-blown mudline or a seeping creek, shad don't seem
to want to be much shallower (except to spawn at dawn) than
twenty feet. Usually they will not cross over an extended point,
rock ledge, creek channel or sand bar that is shallower than
twenty feet on the inside (unless forced over by game fish).
Since few other lures are equally effective as jigs at such
depths, the game plan is primarily 1/2 oz to 1 oz white jigs,
depending on wind and depth. Did I mention huge walleye schools
and stripers by the hundreds follow the wind-loving shad too?
It's not clear to me whether wind blows the shad around
involuntarily - or whether the shad willingly follow and seek out
the wind-blown shores. Whatever the reason, shad are the wind's
biggest fans. They flock to it. Wherever the wind blows toward a
constricted shoreline, forming a sort of wind funnel - shad will
be in the apex of the funnel and stacked off the deep points and
deepwater breaks leading into the mouth of the funnel. Wind makes
shad more predictable. A windless day can be harder to predict
where shad concentrate. It's easier to find and fish shad in the
In terms of the baits themselves, jig-swimming legend Tom
Monsoor was the spark who inspired me to swim rather than bounce,
crawl or hop jigs on bottom. FLW pro Monsoor's forte is to swim
say a 1/4 oz finesse jig. Yet I am using Tom's swimming system
with heavier flipping-type and sturdy football jigs up to 1 oz.
Many persons ask, how do you swim it? Monsoor himself hasn't
said much yet. Not that he isn't much of a talker, just hasn't
had the mike time yet. In this information void, a bunch of
armchair experts rush to respond, "You swim it just like
it's a spinnerbait, except it's a jig!" Actually, I don't
think so. A spinnerbait likes to lift like a whirlybird
helicopter. A jig does the opposite, it likes to descend. So I
was pleased to hear Tom Monsoor confirm he fishes swimming jigs
like crankbaits this morning when we talked by phone. To me, I
too maneuver my swimming jig more like a crankbait, the same
manner and speed of retrieve. Just as with a crankbait, I get a
high percentage of hits as the swimming jig stutters over high
spots on the bottom. And when it stops stuttering, meaning it
passed over the high spot, just slow way down or stop turning the
handle - again a high percentage bite maneuver, just like a
crankbait. Also, like Monsoor mentioned today, I too deploy
different size jigs to descend to different depths. This is akin
to using different size cranks to achieve different descents. A
3/8 oz jig swims less than five feet, a 1/2 oz jig swims from
zero to ten feet. I tie on a 3/4 oz jig for zero to twenty-five
feet. A 1 oz jig can be swum from zero to forty feet on a single
retrieve. These may sound like heavy jigs, but they ring the
dinner gong swimming past a bass - even a one ounce jig in one
foot of water.
The Grand Illusion
back to the shad and the jigs that imitate them, I start the
grand illusion by using silicone rubber skirts from Skirts
Plus in Savage, Minnesota. Out of necessity, silicone skirts
have evolved shad scale patterns that surpass most soft plastic
baits. Speaking with Tom Monsoor, he agreed. Reason is the very
flat fine-cut strands necessitate super fine glitters and
blush-type applications of color (called Interference). These
super fine glitters and zephyry glints of Interference create
subtle tinges of azurine blue, aquamarine green and
pinkish-purple color flashes that shad schools emit at times. On
the other hand, most soft plastics, even the thin grub tails, are
much thicker than skirt strands. Hence they are often molded
using larger-flaked, coarser glitters than silicone skirts. Soft
plastic manufacturers can tend to be heavy-handed with soft
plastic dyes too. Like dousing too much perfume, it can overpower
a bait as compared to the more alluring waft of Interference
blush reflecting in a wriggling silicone skirt. So I believe
therein exists an opportunity for soft bait manufacturers to
modernize their shad-imitating grubs to better match the
fine-grained shad scale patterns and subtle blushes found in
silicone skirting material.
The robust palette of SkirtsPlus strands I like for shad
patterns are:
- Clear / Green Crystal
- Firecracker (Clear / Red, Blue, Silver Flake)
- Clear / Blue Interference
- Clear / Blue Interference, Green Crystal
- Clear / Green Interference
- Clear / Violet Interference, Black
- Light Pearl Blue / Green Crystal, Black
- Clear / Silver Hologram
- Clear / Blue Interference, Black
Metallic Shadowstrand
- Metallic Natural
- Clear / Silver, Silver Hologram
Glitter Shadowstrand
- Clear / Neon Silver
- Clear / Purple Crystal, Black
- Clear / Blue Crystal, Black
- Clear / Green Crystal, Black
- Smoke / Blue Crystal, Black
- Smoke / Green Crystal, Black
Nature Scales Plus Barbed Wire
Optionally, these may be used on top of the skirt to apply a
dorsal back color darker than the underlying shad belly color:
- Clear / Black Barbed Wire, Blue Crystal
- Clear / Black Barbed Wire, Green Crystal
- Clear / Black Barbed Wire, Purple Crystal
- Smoke / Black Barbed Wire, Blue Crystal
As good as silicone skirt shad colors are however, skirts
alone won't work well without a soft plastic grub or pork rind
pennant trailer. Rigging a grub trailer, it is important to hit
the mold seam line where you poke the hook out, and the
sickle-shaped tail should always point down on a jig. When
rigged, the grub should lie perfectly straight on the hook. I use
three models of Yamamoto single tail grub trailers for shad jigs:
- 5" Tough Grub (18T
series). Molded of a harder plastic formulation that tears
less and does not pull down off the jig collar easily.
Unfortunately the tough 18T's are only made in a few colors, but
they include my two favorite shad trailer colors: Pearl Blue w/
Silver (031) and Cream White (036).
- 5" Standard Grub (18
series). Yamamoto's stock soft plastic formulation. These are
softer, tear more easily and slip down the hook more often than
18T's. That's not a criticism. Quite the contrary, they are
awesome grubs that come in a cornucopia of shad colors: Pearl
Blue w/ Silver (031); Cream White (036); Luminous White (038);
Smoke w/Silver (135); Clear w/Silver (136); Smoke w/ Black &
Silver (177); Clear w/Black (187); Clear w/Red, Blue & Silver
(195); Daiquiri w/ Black & Hologram (237); Blue Pearl
w/Black & Hologram (239); Gold Pearl (300); and Pearl w/Black
& Gold (303).
- 6" Stretch 40 Grub (2
series). Yamamoto's Stretch 40 grub is not very popular. It's
relatively unknown. This is not a condemnation of the Stretch 40.
Quite the contrary, it is an awesome bass catcher. It's just a
markedly different and unique shape than people expect in a grub.
It has a much longer, slimmer body as well as a shorter tail than
the 18 series. Most people prefer the very familiar-looking 18
series grub. The problem here is fish have a nasty knack for
picking grubs up by the tail all too often, and the 18-series has
just too ample a tail to attack. Bass can obsess on it. With only
the wafer-thin tail being lipped, you rip the tail off when you
attempt to set the hook. For that reason, I am reluctant to dye
grub tail tips. Tail dye only reinforces the bad habit bass have
of lipping grub tails. When bass become fixated on lipping the
tail only, the Stretch 40's abbreviated tail presents less of a
target to attack. I pinch the Stretch 40's long body down to make
it even harder for a bass to go for the tail. The tail is still
producing plenty of strike-inducing attraction - yet it becomes
more awkward for a bass to try to lip the tail. It would be like
us trying to eat spaghetti with a spoon. It's much easier to use
a fork, or in the case of a bass, bite the whole bait. So on
those tail-lipping days, the pinched-down smaller profile Stretch
40 gets the affirmative head wobble from me. To shorten a Stretch
40, always pinch your fingers down on the piece you intend to
discard. This short piece will become badly mushed and misshapen
from the pressure exerted by your fingertips. However, the part
you intend to thread on your hook will be left in perfect shape.
When it comes to colors, unfortunately Stretch 40's are only made
in a few, but they include Pearl Blue w/ Silver (031) and Smoke
w/ Black & Silver (177) which have been staple producers for
me for over twenty years. They also come in Clear w/Black (187)
and Gold Pearl (300) which are shad trailer colors. Yet most of
the time, an 031 Stretch 40 is for me.
Folks, I hope that is enough for you today.
There's so much more I am going to tell you, but all this
ruminating about shad jigs has got me hankering to hit the big
pond that is Lake Powell. I am off to swim some big whites past
chunky smallmouth like those below. When we meet again on this
Internet page next week, I will share with you yet another
informative chapter of my lifelong story of "Why I Like My

The trailer in this photo is something few modern anglers have
ever used - a pork strip. We'll talk all about the lost
generation of deadly pork strips when we meet again next week.
Keep in mind, a soft grub may work swell when
use without a skirt to match smaller size shad. However, a
silicone skirt used alone without a grub does not work well.

Good fishing and best regards until next week! - from Russ