Bassdozer's Light Wire Style H Spinnerbaits
for Slow Rolling and Deep Running

by Russ Bassdozer
This shows and tells product photos, product descriptions and
information for the lure models and colors that are (or have
been) available at Not all models and colors
shown are currently available, and exact specifications are
subject to change.
Note: Some of the following configurations may not all be
currently in stock. Some may be sold out at this time. Please
check online at
for current availability of specific items below. Thank you for
your business.
Bassdozer's Light Wire Style H Spinnerbaits for Slow Rolling
and Deep Running
Style: H
Type: Hidden head. Much of the mass is hidden under the skirt.
Weight: 1/2 or 3/4 oz
Hook: Heavy duty long shank Mustad 5/0
Wire: .032 diameter Super Wire is 30% stronger and has 50% more
Style H spinnerbaits have the outward appearance or profile of
a 1/4 oz spinnerbait but weigh a full 1/2 or 3/4 oz,.
The excess weight is hidden beneath the skirt. It gives the
attractive appearance of a baitfish body or fish belly beneath
the skirt.
The hooks are strong, long shank Mustad Ultra Points. The hook
bends come all the way back to the tips of the skirts. It's an
oversize, extra long hook that's perfect for the Style H.

A Word on Thin Wire Arms. These have .032 super wire
arms for the ultimate in vibration. Super wire has up to 50% more
vibration and is 30% stronger than regular wire. In actual
fishing, I feel that 30% extra lab test strength equates to many
times more bend-resistance on the water. So really, Super Wire is
the way to go with light wire arms. You get a more durable, more
fish-able bait, and it vibrates more, which is the reason some
anglers opt for a light wire in the first place.
Although you have the extra added advantage of Super Wire
here, keep in mind that .032 is lighter wire than usual, so you
can't manhandle it too much, and thinner wire like .032 will tend
to fatigue quicker than heavier wire. .032 is about as thin as
you can go on spinnerbait wires for bass. On the plus side, thin
wire vibrates more, which may be what fish want some days. Yet
that increased vibration also fatigues and weakens thin metal
wire quicker.
Although .032 spinnerbait wire vibrates more, it tends to have
a shorter life.
Thinner wire bends more easily, especially if you erroneously
overmatch it with heavy tackle or hard use. If you don't use a
lighter, softer rod and if you don't maintain a loose drag and
delicate touch while playing and landing fish, thin wire
spinnerbaits will not hold up like thicker wires. Despite these
drawbacks, thin wire vibrates more and can attract more fish some
days, according to some some anglers. Just exercise care and
restraint while fishing thin wire spinnerbaits in order to
prolong their useful life.

3/4 oz Style H Hidden Head. The heavy 3/4 oz Style H is
especially suited for slow-rolling, deep running or
conversely, as a fast subsurface burner type spinnerbait. You may
of course use it "normally" by simply casting and
winding. On a moderate retrieve, the 3/4 oz model will tend to
seek its normal working level a little deeper than than standard
1/2 or 3/8 oz spinnerbaits. So you can think of the Style H
somewhat like a deep-diving crankbait model (compared to medium
and shallow-diving cranks), except its a spinnerbait.

1/2 oz Style H Hidden Heads.
Single Willow Slow Rollers
The single Willow set-up is often favored by experienced
slow-rollers. The single Willow gives off more vibration than two
Willows used together, and fishes slower than two Willows.
True experts in the art of slow-rolling go so far as to even
hammer standard Willow blades to make them flatter and therefore
"better" for slow-rolling. Flattened blades have more
torque, more lift, more vibration and turn slower than standard
cupped blades. All these features are considered good for a
slow-rolling spinnerbait, so that's why experts would flatten the
blades by hand.
The blades you see on the set-ups here come pre-flattened
straight from the factory. So every blade is perfectly flattened
for the best slow-rolling effect. A flatter blade tends not to
stall at the beginning and end of a retrieve and spins more
easily at slower speeds. It has a lot of resistance and
vibration, enhanced by the .032 super vibe wire arm. These can be
fished super slow and deep.

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Alewife

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Chartreuse Shad.

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Rainbow Trout

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Shad-A-Delic

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Silver Shad

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Gizzard Shad

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ White Pearl Silver

1/2 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Bleeding Pearl Blue

31/2 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Dark Chartreuse Shad

1/2 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Chartreuse Shad

1/2 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Slow Roller ~ Pearl Blue White
Deep Running Colorado/Willows
If you are slow-rolling in relatively open water where you can
make a good cast and cover a good stretch of bottom, try this
blade configuration. The Willow gets a little "lazy" in
this set-up and it does not spin so hard behind the Colorado
shown. So the Willow doesn't make as much lift as usual, so this
set-up tends to stay down deep a little better than usual.
This slow rolls best at or around the 18-20-22 foot mark. It's
often said that heavier 3/4 to 1 oz spinnerbaits are
better-suited to such depths. However, even the 1/2 oz Style H
set-up this way will stay down at the 18'-22' depth all day long
(provided you can make a lengthy cast with it and slow-roll it
back to the boat. I catch an awful lot of fish at this depth
range on this spinnerbait set-up. I don't know exactly what it is
about this set-up that makes it slow roll that depth so well, but
it does.
Of course you can use it for casting shallow, fishing up near
the surface or any other way you'd use a spinnerbait. It's not
just for slow-rolling - but truly excels in every way you may use
a spinnerbait. Please enjoy!

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ White Pearl

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Pearl Blue White
Both blades above are painted white pearl on both sides. Front
side of blades have hologram sparkle clear coat.

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Black Chartreuse

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Smokey Shad
Genuine silver-plated blades, on the spinnerbait above, are
rarely seen on spinnerbaits. Most all so-called silver blades are
nickel-plated which looks very close but nickel has a darker
flash than genuine silver. The brighter, whiter flash of silver
may pay dividends in murky water or when trying to attract fish
from further distances - such as in deep water. The brilliant
shine and flash of genuine silver is something fish rarely see in
a bass lure.
Deep Running Widely-Spaced Colorado/Willows
The back spinner blades are a little smaller than usual, and
that lets the spinnerbait run deeper than usual. It is a great
bottom hugger that will follow the contour of the bottom in
deeper water.
Although the blades are a little smaller, the wide spacing
permits both blades to vibrate strongly. This blade configuration
has a stronger vibration than you'd expect.
This is a real sweet set-up in a deep-running, bottom-hugging
spinnerbait. Please enjoy!

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Smokey Shad

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Gold Shiner

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Shad-A-Delic

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Pearl Blue White

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Smokey Shad

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Pearl Blue Silver

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Bleeding Pearl Blue

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Pearl Blue Chartreuse

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Plemmons
Deep Running Double Willows
These have the heavy hidden weight, thin diameter wire and
comparatively small, water-cutting blades that are spaced to
reduce lift and lessen water resistance, thereby letting the bait
run deeper.
They get down deep and stay there, hugging the bottom on the

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ White Shad

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Smallie Special

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Smokey Shad

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Deep Running ~ Alewife
Above, front blade is transparent metallic chartreuse painted
on both sides. Back blade is nickel plated.

3/4 oz Style H Spinnerbait ~ Deep Running ~ Pearl Blue Silver.
Front blade is lacquered genuine silver plated. Back blade is
gold plated.
Tightly Spaced Double Willows
You may notice these blades seem spaced closer together than
usual for double Willows. You may also notice this particular
blade pairing seems to catch more fish spaced that way too.
Please enjoy!

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Herring Bone

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Alewife

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Chartreuse White Blend

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Hendrix
Above and below, 50/50 Gold/Nickel blades are half gold and
half nickel on both sides. I feel these 50/50's are the overall
absolute best blade finish on the market. They really sparkle and
attract fish in a way which other blade finishes can't.

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Sexy Chartreuse Shad

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ White Bone.
Blades above are painted white pearl on one side. Unpainted
nickel on other side. So you get the best of both white blades
and flashy nickel on the same blade.
Blades below are genuine silver-plated (not nickel) and

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ White Pearl

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Chartreuse White Bone.
Following blades are painted white with red scale on one side.
White only on other side.

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ White Pearl
Thank you for looking.