Bassdozer's Spinnerbaits with Seldom-Seen
Blade Configurations

by Russ Bassdozer
This shows and tells product photos, product descriptions and
information for the lure models and colors that are (or have
been) available at Not all models and colors
shown are currently available, and exact specifications are
subject to change.
Note: Some of the following configurations may not all be
currently in stock. Some may be sold out at this time. Please
check online at
for current availability of specific items below. Thank you for
your business.
Bassdozer's Spinnerbaits with Seldom-Seen Blade
First, there's my Indiana/Willow combo. Seldom seen except in
Bassdozer's Store, it's one of my favorite and most productive
blade pairs.

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style A ~ Chartreuse Shad Flash (.035 bright
super wire arm)
Next there's my Willow/Indiana combo - a rare blade combo
indeed, but one of the best pairings I have ever used.

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style T ~ Green Perch Special (.035
brown super wire arm)

These are built on my 3/4 oz Style T hidden head with my
signature cone cut collar. Other brands of spinnerbaits and jigs
have also started using my double (in this case) and triple cone
cut collars lately too, simply because it is the best way I have
discovered to hold soft bait trailers securely.
Below we have he Colorado/Willow combo, True, this one of the
most common blade combos - but hard to find in this jewelry-like
50/50 gold/nickel scale textured finish.

3/4 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style T ~ Green Perch Special (.035
brown super wire arm)

Green Perch Special Skirt. A killer combination of my two
best smallmouth colors. Green perch (top) plus smallie special
(bottom) equals green perch special, an equation that converts
anyone who tries it into a true believer.
In the configuration below, normally, a Colorado/Willow combo
is placed three beads apart, and that closeness restricts them
from beating hard. What I discovered by widening the space
between the traditional Colorado/Willow combo is the increased
distance permits both blades to beat so hard so that they'll
generate a surprising amount of vibration!

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style A ~ Smallie Special (.035 bright super
wire arm)
The next two Style A's have the .035 diameter brown super
wire. Super wire has up to 50% more vibration and up to 30%
stronger than standard wire.

Front blade is painted translucent red nickel-plated on both
sides. Back blade is gold-plated on both sides

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style A ~ Green Pumpkin Red (.035 brown
super wire arm)

Front blade is gold-plated on both sides. Back blade is painted
translucent red on one side, genuine silver-plated lacquered on
other side.

1/2 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style A ~ Watermelon Red (.035 brown super
wire arm)
The next item, the 1 ounce Style D has an .040 wire arm with a
massive 6/0 Mustad UltraPoint heavy duty long shank hook. It is a
big, solidly-constructed spinnerbait for heavy tackle, strong
line and tough fish.

Front blade is painted translucent black nickel-plated on both
sides. Back blade is painted translucent red on one side, genuine
silver-plated lacquered on other side.

1 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style D ~ Black Red (.040 wire arm)
The next one ounce Style H goes to the extreme with an .045
wire arm that's thicker, heavier wire than normally used on bass
spinnerbaits. Plus it has a massive 6/0 Mustad UltraPoint long
shank hook - bigger than usual too. This is a very heavily-built
spinnerbait designed for big bass on heavy tackle.

Front blade is painted translucent black nickel-plated on both
sides. Back blade is painted translucent blue on one side,
genuine silver-plated lacquered on other side.

1 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style H ~ Black Blue (.045 wire arm)
Lastly, these are luminous blades below. Both sides of both
blades are painted glow-in-dark colors shown. Used under normal
daylight conditions, the blades appear as an flat pastel colors
that attract fish just based on that. But reel them out of the
sunlight into the shadow of a steep wall, a ledge or the shady
side of a rock, dock, or in and out of a tree-shaded shadow line,
and you get that sudden change of luminescence which I feel acts
as a strike trigger at the instant of color change.

1 oz Spinnerbait ~ Style C ~ EZ Blue Herring (.040 wire with 6/0
Mustad UltraPoint)
I hope you will enjoy trying these spinnerbait with
seldom-seen blade configurations.