Open Up a Tube of MegaStrike
tournaments often decided by the difference of one fish, every
strike counts. You cannot afford to miss even one. It is a
little-known fact that top pros regularly use fish attractants.
They do, but do not publicize it.
Yes, there are secrets kept inside pro bass fishing. No, they
do not get out to the general fishing public. That's why you
probably haven't heard of MegaStrike Fish Attractant until
recently. MegaStrike has been under research and development for
nine years during which it was only available at tournaments to
insiders and pros who do not publicize it. Now, it is ready to be
brought onto the national market.
Attractant Gel for the 21st Scentury
I first learned of MegaStrike about six months ago from a
friend, Tim Simos, owner of Blue
Water Images. Tim photographs fresh and saltwater gamefish
and lures underwater. Tim's about the best there is at this. He
photographs only wild fish in the wild, not fish pre-starved in
tanks so they'll hit anything on camera. His work has graced
seven magazine covers including Bassmaster, Sport Fishing, and
Big Game Fishing Journal. The 2003 Yamamoto catalog will showcase
Tim's incredible underwater photos too. The important point is
Tim uses MegaStrike to make bass hold onto lures longer for the
camera. I asked Tim why? I think Tim Simos should know, since he
spends more time than most any man ever underwater trying to get
bass to take and hold lures for photos. Unlike other attractants
he's tried, Tim says the clear gel MegaStrike won't wash off even
for long periods underwater. He says MegaStrike helps him catch
more bass on camera holding onto lures longer.
Since being tipped off by Tim, I have been using MegaStrike
for a few months now. To get a wider range of feedback, I have
asked some skilled anglers to field test it too. They like
MegaStrike. I like MegaStrike. I'll tell you why:
doesn't get all over everything. It's a gel in a tube. I use the
tube nozzle as an applicator to smear the MegaStrike gel all over
the bait without getting any on my hands. Being a gel, it doesn't
drip, and the manufacturer claims it doesn't stain the carpet and
it won't soften the boat's gel coat finish or lift the adhesive
off the boat carpet.
- MegaStrike stays on long and does not wash off easily. In
fact, the only time you will get "slimed" by MegaStrike
is when removing the lure from your line. Even after using a lure
for a long while, it will be slimier than you expect when you
take your lure off or replace it with another lure.
- MegaStrike has a unique smell to it. I've never smelt any
attractant quite like MegaStrike. If it may matter to pressured
fish, neither have they smelled anything like MegaStrike yet.
- MegaStrike smells powerful, but not nasty. Keep in mind,
scents and tastes can be attractive or repulsive - to bass or to
fishermen. Some fish attractants smell like B.O. or wet diapers
or so nasty they make you gag. Not MegaStrike. MegaStrike is not
a smell you would try to avoid. You would want to investigate it
"It is a
little-known fact that top pros regularly use fish attractants.
They do, but do not publicize it."
You can expect to hear a whole lot more about MegaStrike in
the near future for these reasons:
works well. Based on a formula that took nine years to perfect
using amino acids, fatty acids, proteins and other concentrated
ingredients, the manufacturer claims MegaStrike tastes like food
bass eat everywhere it's been used across the country.
- If you feel it does not help you catch more fish, call
toll-free and get your money back. No questions asked. No other
fish attractant comes with a 100% money back guarantee.
MegaStrike is that good.
- Previously only available by word of mouth at tournaments to
pros, you can now buy MegaStrike without having to know a
professional tournament insider. MegaStrike is available to you
now in handy tubes at
- MegaStrike will be nationally marketed and advertised to the
general fishing public in 2003, and MegaStrike will be available
at tackle shops and major retailers across the country in spring
So you'll be hearing lots about MegaStrike soon, and lots of
people saying, "When every strike counts, open up a tube of