Pro Football Jig Heads with Weedguards

by Russ Bassdozer
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Pro Football Jig Heads with Weedguards

Pro Football Jig Head ~ Black ~ Comes in sizes: (1/4 oz 3/0).
(3/8 oz 4/0). (1/2 oz 5/0). (3/4 oz 5/0). (1 oz 5/0).

Pro Football Jig Head ~ Green Pumpkin ~ Comes in sizes: (1/4 oz
3/0). (3/8 oz 4/0). (1/2 oz 5/0). (3/4 oz 5/0). (1 oz 5/0).

Pro Football Jig Head ~ Brown ~ Comes in sizes: (1/4 oz 3/0).
(3/8 oz 4/0). (1/2 oz 5/0). (3/4 oz 5/0). (1 oz 5/0).

Pro Football Jig Head ~ Silver ~ Comes in sizes: (1/4 oz 3/0).
(3/8 oz 4/0). (1/2 oz 5/0). (3/4 oz 5/0). (1 oz 5/0).
Football jigs have always been most popular in the western
USA, and to a lesser degree, in isolated pockets in the north
central and southeast regions mainly.
Within recent years, however, on the top pro tours, a shift
has been made to deeper baits and deeper spots fished by top pros
in prestigious televised tournaments. Top pros are increasingly
learning to probe deeper offshore spots for untapped bass. The
pros are discovering new lures to them (like football jigs) will
win deep tournaments country-wide. Consequently, the football jig
has grown in popularity among local tournament and recreational
anglers who pick up new techniques and tactics (like football jig
fishing) from the pros on TV and in magazine articles.

L to R: Silver, Green Pumpkin, Brown, Green Pumpkin, Black. (Items
sold separately. Items in photo not included with item for sale.)

These have a premium Mustad UltraPoint round bend hook model.
You'll appreciate the consistent hooking experience provided
by a jig with the standard round bend hook in it (as opposed to
other angled or irregular jig hook bends). This wide gap, round
bend forged Mustad hook consistently hooks and holds fish better.
Recommended Gear: These jigs are best used with medium
to medium/heavy gear from 10 to 16 pound test mono, fluoro or
braided line. The hook is stout, but it is not intended for heavy
flipping gear or heavy braided line.

Rigging Method: Start by optionally dressing a football
jig with or without a silicone skirt (shown above). In either
case (withor without a skirt), always add a soft plastic bait of
your choice (not shown). Items in photo not included with item
for sale.
Differences Between Football Jigs and Other Jig Shapes
More streamlined jig heads (most all other jig head shapes)
will snag more on rocky bottom types than will the football jig.
Even if a football jig does get lodged in a snag, it will not
lodge as deeply, and can be unsnagged more easily than other
jigs, especially if you are able to backpedal to get right over
the snagged jig in order to get it out the same way or same angle
that it went in.
Many other jig heads will roll on their sides, putting the
hook right on the bottom. Due to its oblong sideways head
however, a football jig really cannot roll over. A football jig
tends to keep the hook straight up most of the time, and it is
hard to envision the hook snagging when it's upright. A hook
tends to snag when it's rolled into the bottom or when the hook's
rolled into a limb - but the football head tends not to roll over
as much as other jigs.
Use of Standard Weight Sizes
The 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 ounce sizes are great to use in rock
bottom areas because the oblong head shape helps keep the jig
head perched atop bottom rubble without slipping and sliding down
deep into small cracks and openings amidst the debris.
When Heavy Football Jigs Really Come Into Their Own
Where football heads really come into their own, however, is
with the heavy 3/4 and 1 ounce sizes. The heavy heads really
define what football jig fishing is. The heavyweight heads
separate football jigging from all other types of jig tactics.
The 3/4 and 1 ounce jigs have a big presence, they displace a lot
of water and create a disturbance that doesn't go unnoticed by
deep bass. They sink fast. They hit the bottom and hit any
underwater obstacles hard, causing a fast-snapping reaction bite
at times. Think of an apple tree. If a light leaf fell off the
top of the apple tree and fluttered silently to the ground, you
would hardly pay attention. You might not even notice at all. If
a ponderous apple fell off the tree top and smashed the ground
hard, you are very likely to turn your head to see what just
happened there. That's why a heavy football jig works so well. It
gets attention plummeting down and thudding the bottom hard, and
when fish turn their heads to see what's happening, your football
jig is on the scene, appearing edible or alive.
Is the Football Jig a Crawdad Imitation?
Many anglers pigeonhole the football jig as a crawdad
imitation. Yet the football jig isn't exactly a true copy of a
crawdad - or anything else. A bass may not know what a football
jig represents, except that as the football bangs the bottom and
crashes head-on into bottom debris - even when it just lays there
immobile - it appears like something that is not a perfect,
healthy specimen, therefore an easier meal to catch than a
perfectly healthy craw or minnow.
So the football jig imitates nothing in particular and
everything in general. Depending on the color of the jig head,
the color and kind of dressing you apply (you may dress it with a
silicone skirt plus any kind of soft plastic or pork trailer - or
just use soft baits like hula grubs, creatures, beavers or craws
alone without skirts) and depending on the action that an angler
uses, a football can give fish the impression of a craw, a
panfish, a shad, a young-of-year walleye, trout, etc. So when you
know that bass are feeding heavily on one particular kind of food
source, it can help to try to match the hatch. For example, when
bass are feeding heavily on shad, it can help to use a silver jig
head, with a silvery white dressing (skirt and/or soft bait). Yet
above all, a football jig is just something non-descript and
moving - an easy target that bass strike.
Hold Down the Head-Shaking or Else!
In deep water, bass are notorious for racing to the top to
leap out of the water as soon as they are hooked, often
dislodging a heavy football jig when they jump. This is often
unavoidable. It is almost impossible to reel in slack line as
quickly as a fish can rocket straight to the top. Even if you do
reel fast enough to keep the line tight as the fish races to the
surface, it is never truly a tight line. Instead, there's a bowed
"U" shape due to water drag tension. It may feel tight
to you perhaps, but there's always enough slack in the U-bowed
line for a fish can to rattle its gills and dislodge a heavy
football jig by streaking up and leaping out instantly upon
It's all part of the fun and excitement of fishing football
jigs. Please enjoy!