New Skeet Reese Lucky Craft Baby Bluegill and
Magic Craw Colors for 2010

by Russ Bassdozer
This shows and tells product photos, product descriptions and
information for the lure models and colors that are (or have
been) available at Not all models and colors
shown are currently available, and exact specifications are
subject to change.
Note: Some of the following configurations may not all be
currently in stock. Some may be sold out at this time. Please
check online at
for current availability of specific items below. Thank you for
your business.
Lucky Craft New 2010 Skeet Reese Baby Bluegill
and Magic Craw Colors
Skeet Reese released new colors of Lucky Craft lures in
limited quantity at the Bassmaster Classic in February 2010.
Now I also have limited quantities of some being added to today.
The new colors are based on two of the most popular forages in
the bass diet; bluegill and crawdads. Each one of the new shades
are personally designed by Reese, down to the finest details.
The new sunfish likeness Baby Bluegill features a realistic
natural bluegill finish, with a translucent chartreuse tail which
closely matches the splash of color at the tips of a baby
bluegill's tail. Baby Bluegill is an opaque (solid) color with a
hint of the popular Lucky Craft "Aurora" reflective
basecoat and green flake.
Magic Craw is a translucent crawdad pattern crankbait in brown
and orange tones, perfect for mimicking crawdads around the
Magic Craw starts with a dark brown at the back, fades to a
translucent light brown, with an orange belly and red flake.
Both new colors are available in in several
of Lucky Craft’s most popular models:
- Legendary Pointer 78 and Pointer
100 (Baby Bluegill only)
- Skeet Reese’s two new crankbait models - the SKT
MR medium runner and SKT DR
deep diver.
- Fat CB BDS 3 - a money
bait for many pros

Lucky Craft Pointer 78 ~ Suspending Jerkbait ~ Baby Bluegill

Lucky Craft Pointer 100 ~ Suspending Jerkbait ~ Baby Bluegill

Lucky Craft Fat CB BDS 3 ~ Shallow Crankbait ~ Baby Bluegill

Lucky Craft SKT MR ~ Medium Running Crankbait ~ Baby Bluegill

Lucky Craft SKT DR ~ Deep Diving Crankbait ~ Baby Bluegill

Lucky Craft SKT MR ~ Medium Running Crankbait ~ Magic Craw (Red

Lucky Craft SKT DR ~ Deep Diving Crankbait ~ Magic Craw (Red

Lucky Craft Fat CB BDS 3 ~ Shallow Crankbait ~ Magic Craw (Red